venerdì, febbraio 16, 2007

Consiglio GAI: risultati notevoli

Importanti i risultati raggiunti dal Consiglio GAI del 15-16 febbraio. Di seguito la sintesi ufficiale.
In breve: 1) raggiunto l'accordo sulla inclusione del Trattato di PRUM nel quadro del diritto UE, con eccezione della possibilità di operazioni di polizia al di fuori del territorio nazionale e 2) accordo raggiunto anche su una decisione quadro relativa al trasferimento delle persone condannate, viene riconosciuto quindi un diritto (!?) alla espiazione della pena nel proprio paese d'origine.

Main Results of the Council

The Council agreed on the integration into the EU legal framework of the parts of the Prüm Treaty relating to police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (Title VI of the EU Treaty, the so-called " third pillar"), with the exception of the provision relating to cross-border police intervention in the event of imminent danger (Article 18). This last particular issue will be further examined by the Council at one of its forthcoming sessions.The Council also reached a general approach on a draft Framework Decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to judgments in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty for the purpose of their enforcement in the EU. This instrument will allow the transfer of sentenced persons to another Member State for the purpose of enforcement of the sentence imposed, taking into account the possibility of social rehabilitation of the sentenced person.Finally the Council adopted a Regulation establishing the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. This Agency will provide the relevant institutions and Member States with assistance and expertise relating to fundamental rights in order to support them when they take measures or formulate courses of action to fully respect fundamental rights.

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